Assessment - AER Strategy Form & Reflection Prompts

EDBE 8Y01 Digital Portfolio: AER Strategy Form

Name: Ella Wiernikowski

My Professional Learning Goals
1 goal for each policy
Strategies For Meeting 
My Goals 
1 strategy for each goal
2 sources for each policy
Fundamental Principles

I would like to learn more about how to implement “backwards design” when doing long-range and unit planning in the future. 
I will consult my resources and practice long range planning with someone experienced. I am a kinesthetic learner, so doing it with someone will help me get a better idea of what to do.
1.     Drake, S. M. (2008, February). Building teacher efficacy by integrating curriculum using the design down process. Changing Perspectives, 15–18. 

This is a great resource on how to actually use backwards design when planning using the curriculum.

2.     My associate teacher, Georgette Dubosq.

Georgette is an experienced teacher and has planned multiple long-range and unit plans.

Learning Skills & Work Habits

I want to learn ways in which to appropriately model good learning skills and work habits for multiple grade levels that exemplify responsibility, adaptability, continuous learning, organization, collaboration, initiative, and self-regulation.
I will research various methods of modelling good learning skills and work habits, and practice demonstrating these skills and habits while at my placement this year.
A good resource on the six learning skills and work habits to reference when planning lessons in which I can do some behaviour modeling.

2.     Understanding Learning Skills and Work Habits: Responsibility

This resource outlines what Responsibility might look like in the classroom from grades 1 – 12. This is one in a series of 6 videos, all of which pertain to the 6 learning skills and work habits.

3.     Sara Lale – Kindergarten Teacher London District School Board

An extra resource to consult on what modeling good LS&WH in the classroom might look like in a Kindergarten classroom.
Performance Standards: The Achievement Chart
I want to have a thorough understanding of what is expected when looking at “Knowledge, Thinking/Understanding, Communication, and Application” so that I can be confident and purposeful in my lesson planning.

I will consult a variety of resources on the specific expectations of the Performance Standards Achievement Chart
1.     Growing Success – Performance Standards: The Achievement Chart

This resource outlines the purpose and categories of the four areas of the Achievement Chart in detail.  

2.     HWDSB – Evidence of Learning (Appendix 2) The Achievement Chart

In this Appendix there is a very detailed and well explained Achievement Chart laid out as a mind map.  All of the categories are highlighted and further developed on in word bubbles.

Assessment FOR Learning & AS Learning
I want to learn how to be creative with creating different types of assessment for and aslearning so I do not become stale as a teacher, and always keep my students engaged in the learning process.
I will first deepen my understanding of what assessment forand as learning are so that I am confident in my ability to create assessment pieces that fit these categories.

Then, I will consult websites such as YouTube and Pinterest to gain creative ideas on different ways I can create assessment pieces from other teachers.
A good resource clearly outlining the purpose and reasoning behind assessment for as and of learning in terms that are easy to understand.

2.     YouTube – Ms. Ferré (4th Grade Teacher)

An inspiring 4th Grade teacher in Maryland that is continuously coming up with new and innovative ideas in all areas of her classroom.


I want to learn how to create an evaluation piece that truly and effectively focuses on students achievement of the overall expectations outlined in the curriculum.  I want to be able to evaluate fairly, while not over-emphasizing or under-evaluating any one part of the overall expectations.
I will consult multiple text resources on effective evaluation, and I will consult with current practicing teachers on ways they ensure they create fair evaluation pieces for their students.
1.     Growing Success – Evaluation

This resource is a one-stop-shop on effective evaluation and how to look for evidence of student achievement effectively and fairly.

2.     Reanne Lucek – Grade 5 Teacher HWDSB

Reanne has taught multiple grades, including Kindergarten up north in an indigenous community.  She is an excellent resource for me to talk to regarding what evaluation looks like at multiple grade levels.

Reporting Student Achievement
I want to become familiar with all of various components that go into creating a Report Card, including different requirements, versions, schedules, LS&WH, and Special Considerations.  I also want to become familiar with the program that is currently used to create report cards in Ontario.
I will read in detail the multiple components of creating a Report Card in the Province of Ontario.

I will sit with my associate teacher while she creates report cards, and watch her navigate the online program required by teachers to use to create report cards.

This resource is a sister-resource to the Growing Success document that outlines fully and explicitly every section of the Ontario Report Card. 

2.     Georgette Dubosq, AT

Students With Special Education Needs
I want to learn the difference between a modification and an accommodation, as well as when it is appropriate to offer modifications or accommodations to students.
I will research in depth on the difference between an accommodation and a modification in the classroom, which will give me a better understanding of when it is appropriate to use them in the classroom.
1.     The Individual Education Plan – IEP: Phase Three; Modification and Accomodation

A detailed resource on what accommodations and modifications are, and when to use them after a student has been given an IEP.

2.     YouTube: Accommodations and Modifications for Students With Learning Disabilities
An insightful video about the differences between accommodations and modifications, as well as examples of each in the classroom.
English Language Learners

I want to understand the challenges of being an English Language Learner so I can better support ELL students in my classroom.
I will curate many resources on ELL learning, and speak with the Resource Teacher at my placement school to get a better understanding of how instruction needs to be differentiated for ELL students.

1.     Edugains – Improving the Instructional Program for English Language Learners

This link provides over 10 ministry approved resources that support teachers in modifying and accommodating instruction for ELL students, how the school can support the teachers in their instruction of ELL students, and how the school can support ELL students.

2. Adene Taylor

Resource Teacher at Westacres Public School 

The Kindergarten Program

I want to learn the difference between teaching a kindergarten classroom versus a primary or junior grade level
I will familiarize myself with the Growing Success Kindergarten Addendum, I will speak with Kindergarten teachers I know, and will observe what a kindergarten lesson looks like at my placement.
1.     Growing Success – Kindergarten Addendum

An in-depth look into the ins and outs of teaching a kindergarten curriculum as compared to a primary/junior curriculum.

2.     Sara Lale – Kindergarten Teacher
London District School Board

Has been teaching Kindergarten for many years in London and is very familiar with lesson planning and executing lessons in a Kindergarten classroom.

EDBE 8Y01 Digital Portfolio: Reflection Prompts

1.     Think about how you will use the Assessment page of your Digital Portfolio during your first teaching block. 

During my teaching block, I plan on using my Assessment pages as reflection pieces.  This particular assessment page will work well as a curation of resources that I can constantly refer back to while I am both long range, unit, and individual lesson planning during my first block.  I have a limited knowledge of assessment still, as I have yet to enter my internship, so I fully expect I will need to come back to many of these resources time and time again.   These resources I have curated here are quite diverse and many are filled with multiple links that I can access at any time whenever I need more information.  I am hoping that the work I have done here will further help my development as a successful P/J teacher!

I also plan to use these Assessment pages in this Portfolio as a way to curate good ideas on new, fair, and equitable assessment pieces that I have used in my classroom during my teaching block.  I plan to have an explanation of the type of assessment I used, whether it was an assessment for, as, or of learning, and a quick reflection on why this type of assessment was or was not a good idea for the type of material being learned.  I believe getting these ideas laid out will help me in the future when I am planning similar units.  I can look back on the multiple types of assessment I have curated throughout my time and see why they worked, and what type of material they would work for.

2.  Choose one professional learning goal from your AER Strategy Form that you will explore in Block 1. Develop “I can” statements to identify how you will know you’ve reached your goal.

The professional learning goal I will explore in Block 1 is: "to learn ways in which to appropriately model good learning skills and work habits for multiple grade levels that exemplify responsibility, adaptability, continuous learning, organization, collaboration, initiative, and self-regulation:

I will know I am successful when:

- I can determine specific examples of skills and habits that exemplify responsibility, adaptability, continuous learning, organization, collaboration, initiative, and self-regulation.
- I can model each type of skill and habit in a way that is meaningful to the grade level I am teaching.
- I can model each type of skill and habit on a continuous basis in the classroom, not just in one lesson, to ensure retention.

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